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3D WEB-Based Digital Construction Management Platform

Work smarter
Not Harder

Build the future together
with MingsPM!

PPMS provides optimal customized services to owners and builders
who want to manage construction projects intelligently and digitally in real time.


Project Life Cycle-based Project Management Platform~~!

PPMS(Proactive Project Management System) is the Digital PM Solution for the Project Owner, Designer, and Contractors

to work on MEGA Project, such as Highways, railways, smart cities...etc., during the Whole Project Period.

1.(E) PPMS 정의-01.png

PPMS is a comprehensive platform that integrates various technologies for Industry 4.0,
such as GIS, BIM, Point Cloud, IoT, and CCTV.

PPMS comprises numerous helpful function modules.

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PPMS Service comprises a set of characteristics or attributes that are provided to customers.
These features enhance the customer experience and ensure the service meets their needs.

  • Continuous platform advancement: Upgrade to a platform that is optimized for project characteristics by regularly reflecting feedback from users who use the PPMS

  • Analysis of work productivity and efficiency improvement: Improving work productivity and efficiency through PPMS operation performance data analysis and realizing on-site smart work through indicator management

  • Best upgrade service: Actively apply new core technologies such as Metaverse and AI to provide additional services to customers

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You can manage, analyze and optimize with just one click!

5. (E) PPMS 적용사업.png

Who Benefits from using PPMS?

Project owners, Project Manager, Contractors, and Design Engineers


MingsPM Inc. works closely with dependable business partners
to develop high-performing and inventive construction sites.



A.I. + LTE + Solar panel CCTV


Smart Band for Labors


IoT gas detection sensor

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BIM Design


Interior Construction


Full-body harness detection sensor


IoT based measurement device


Smart Interactive Board

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SOS/GPS Safety Helmet


GPS Tracker for equipment


Site Notice Board System (LED)

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Dubai uploaded to PPMS

Dubai uploaded to PPMS

PPMS를 통해서 두바이 한번 날아가 봅니다. 2018년도 구입한 오래된 노트북이지만, 웹 성능이 아직은 쓸만합니다. PPMS에는 전세계의 건물이 3차원 모델로 업로딩되어 현지 국가에서 새로운 건설사업을 수행할 때 효과적으로 주변 지형과 건물을 이해하도록 지원합니다. 스마트 시티 보다 건설사업이 먼저 시작됩니다. 현재의 건설 사업이 BIM, 드론, IoT, ICT, VR 등의 4차산업 기술을 활용하는 디지털 모델로 건설되어야 준공 이후 디지털 모델 기반의 스마트 시티 유지관리가 효과적으로 구현될 수 있지 않을까, 생각합니다. Fly to Dubai via PPMS. It's an old laptop bought in 2018, but the web performance is still usable. In PPMS, buildings worldwide are uploaded as 3D models to understand the surrounding terrain and buildings effectively when carrying out new construction projects in the local country. Construction projects start before smart cities. I think the current construction business should be built as a digital model that utilizes 4th industry technologies such as BIM, drones, IoT, ICT, and VR to effectively implement smart city maintenance based on digital models after completion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PPMS is a cloud-based Web and GIS platform that automates data collection, analysis, visualizations, and action planning for all stakeholders involved in the project. Our system has been designed to facilitate proactive cost control while ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. PPMS digitalizes all construction site data to help your team make informed decisions by identifying potential risks early so you can mitigate them before they get out of hand. #Contech #DX #VR #Project Management #Smart construction #BIM #Drone #Lidar #Visualization #Primavera #스마트 건설 #Digital Twin #스마트 안전기술 #디지털트랜스포메이션 #디지털트윈
Land Development Project

Land Development Project

PPMS를 활용한 택지건설공사 예시입니다. PPMS에 업로딩된 주변 3D 건물로 인해 보다 정확한 시공관리가 가능합니다. 정밀한 주변 지형 검토를 통한 완벽한 시공계획 수립이 가능합니다. 당연히, 지하 매설물에 관한 BIM 데이터가 존재한다면, 이미 설치된 지하 매설물도 확인할 수 있습니다. This is an example of a land development construction site using PPMS. Due to the surrounding 3D buildings uploaded to PPMS, construction management becomes more accurate. It is possible to establish a perfect construction plan through a precise review of the surrounding terrain and buildings. Of course, if your project has 3D BIM data exists about the underground, you can also check the underground facilities that have already been installed viewing by PPMS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PPMS is a cloud-based Web and GIS platform that automates data collection, analysis, visualizations, and action planning for all stakeholders involved in the project. Our system has been designed to facilitate proactive cost control while ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. PPMS digitalizes all construction site data to help your team make informed decisions by identifying potential risks early so you can mitigate them before they get out of hand. #Contech #DX #VR #Project Management #Smart construction #BIM #Drone #Lidar #Visualization #Primavera #스마트 건설 #Digital Twin #스마트 안전기술 #디지털트랜스포메이션 #디지털트윈
Compare the initiative of the project with the progress of the project using Lidar data by drone.

Compare the initiative of the project with the progress of the project using Lidar data by drone.

왼쪽 화면은 착공 전에 봉우리를 라이다가 장착된 드론으로 촬영한 3차원 Point cloud data 입니다. 오른쪽 화면은 시공 중에 MATRIX 300 RTK 드론으로 촬영한 3차원 모델입니다. 착공 전에 3차원 지형 모델을 확보했기 때문에, 이 현장은 지속적으로 정확한 3차원 토공량을 아주 쉽게 산출할 수 있습니다. The screen on the left is 3D point cloud data taken by a drone equipped with a lidar of the peak before the start of construction. The screen on the right is a 3D model taken with a MATRIX 300 RTK drone during construction. Since a 3D terrain model was obtained before construction, the site will continuously get accurate 3D earthwork volume that can be calculated quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PPMS is a cloud-based Web and GIS platform that automates data collection, analysis, visualizations, and action planning for all stakeholders involved in the project. Our system has been designed to facilitate proactive cost control while ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. PPMS digitalizes all construction site data to help your team make informed decisions by identifying potential risks early so you can mitigate them before they get out of hand. #Contech #DX #VR #Project Management #Smart construction #BIM #Drone #Lidar #Visualization #Primavera #스마트 건설 #Digital Twin #스마트 안전기술 #디지털트랜스포메이션 #디지털트윈



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